Monday 7 February 2011


the position Amanda Seyfried is in, with her knees up , makes her look young and vulnerable, you would normally see little girls sit like this when they are felling threatened or vulnerable. The way her hair is covering her body too adds to this secretive front that she is putting on. however, her eyes tell a different story. her body position may say secretive, but her eyes look as though she is giving away all her secrets. this draws the reader in because its like Seyfried is going to tell the reader her deepest secrets.

the language use din the interview is almost gossipy. but in a classy way. the way the journalist describes Seyfried " her voice croaks hoarsely" is as if she is judging her in a way, the way she is acting or talking. this makes the audience feel like they are being told a secret or are part of the gossip. "she orders a latte" this quote makes the audience feel as though they are in the coffee shop with them,as well as letting them in on her favourite coffee drink. This text is meant to make the audience feel part of the interview, or as though they are friends with Amanda Seyfried.


This is the contents page of GLAMOUR magazine- a womens monthly magazine.

the masthead of Glamour is written across the top of this contents page in different shades of pink, similar to the shades of pink you get when buying lipsticks. This inter-textual reference is so that the audience knows that firstly this magazine is aimed at women but also that in this issue they can expect allot about beauty or fashion.

The heading for each puff and page number are also in pink, this is to make them stand out more to the reader, it makes it easier for the reader to find the page number they want so in a way it is used as a helpful hand to the reader. this theme of oink is in keeping with the theme of this months cover colour, the writing on the cover is all oink therefore the magazine is keeping a clear theme.

this contents page only has one dominant image, the image of this model in an outfit with text saying "we ♥ this £49 skirt! just on of the 100's of steals inside!" this this is to give the reader an taste of what is to come in the issue. the reader will see this outfit and will want to look through the magazine at what other style tips it has to offer. once again, using the strategy of helping the audience to draw them in.