Monday 20 December 2010


New Musical express is a popular music magazine. it is published weekely in the UK. NME consists of mostly indie and rock bands but describes itself as 'The ultimate Guide to the week in music.' NME was initally published in non-glossy tabloid format on standard newsprint, mostly written in an artists perspective and aimed at performers and upcoming artists. through the 90's NME saw a drastic change in its image, along with the punk movement it changed its artist and innocent image and started to cover new indie bands, reviews and interviews.

editor: Krissi Murison

frequency: weekly

circulation: 33,875


the fly is an independent magazine, consisting of live concert reviews, new and upcoming artists and local gig-lists. the magazine uses a unique fly rating system in place of the traditional star rating system, from one fly to the coveted five flies. It is generally the case that a music release given a four or five fly rating is consistently of a good quality and worth purchasing. The magazine also consists of articles and interviews with artists to promote tours and releases.

Price: free
Editor: Niall Doherty
Publisher: MAMA group
First issue: 1999

I have chosen the fly to compete with because it has that independent feel to it. It also publishes reviews of upcoming acts and gives live reviews, which is similar to my magazine.
The Fly uses very saturated colours on this cover, with the odd splash of reds and bright blues it gives the audience a psychodelic feel, the orange is not a flat orange it has a mix of yellows and blues in it, this makes the audience see that this is no ordinary band. The saturated colours give a grungy feel to the cover, this is to make the band look like they have been up all night partying or playing gigs, this makes the audience automatically connect to them because they know how it feels to be up all night and they may enjoy a band who can play all night because it means longer gigs and more of a party.


This is the pre-lim task i did in class. this task was intended as a school magazine. The target audience for this magazine are year sevens that are new to St.Andrews school, it gave them advice about how to fit in, how to bend the rules and just general advice about the school. i liked the colour scheme of my front cover as it stuck to the general colour scheme of St.Andrews. i also liked the idea of the picture, the students all look happy and friendly. However, the picture is not cropped to size and is stretched to make the people look unusual and creating an unprofessional look. I think my target audience would be attracted to this magazine because it looks fun and colourful, reflecting this age group, they do not want to be reading something stern and boring. it also gives them advice , they will be attracted to this because they feel alone and lost when they first come to high school, so this magazine is kind of like a leaning post for them to help them through.


this is the moodboard for my target audience:
the girl holding a guitar: This picture is of a singer called Rosie Oddie, her band is alternative and unsigned , they play indie music suitable for the alternative generation. This is suitable for my target audience because they would be interested in seeing this sort of act.
the boy smoking a cigarrete: This image appeals to the target audience because it could be the sort of person they are or want to be like; rough, rebellious and rowdy. the sort of teen who goes out to gigs all night and comes in to sleep all day.This boy is Ash Stymest, a rebellious male model form Camden, London. this would appeal to my target audience because he is attractive and would be a boy who all the girls would be interested in!
the picture of Camden high street: This would appeal to my target audience becasue Camden is the sort of place where they would hang out or go out to. it is a place that encourages individuality and alternativeness.

topshop: this shop sells urban and alternative clothing.My target audience would be attracted to this because they enjoy going to gigs and dressing up for gigs and the clothing that these shops sell are great for gig-wear and nights out in London.

The colours i have chosen to work with are mostly red and blue combined with a variety of bright and vibrant colours. i have chosen teh red as teh main colour because it signifies danger, or edgyness. my target audience would be attracted to this becasue they like to live live on the edge and enjoy edgy music.


Hi I'm Steph Snyman, im 16 years old. my magazine is called LOUDER and the target audience is young women aged betwenn 16 and 21, mostly students and musicians living in and around london interested in new and upcoming artists, gigs and a little bit of fashion.

My reader gets up for college or uni, groggily and craving sleep,
as they walk to school or catch the bus/train they laugh to themselves as they remember moments form the night before.

they get to school and reminisce with their friends about how good that band last night was, they laugh and get on with the day (school is not the most important thing on their minds).

finally! the school day is over! they quickly rush home to get a change of clothes then catch a train into Camden town where they go shopping for a while before going to queue for a gig in an underground venue.