Monday 20 December 2010


This is the pre-lim task i did in class. this task was intended as a school magazine. The target audience for this magazine are year sevens that are new to St.Andrews school, it gave them advice about how to fit in, how to bend the rules and just general advice about the school. i liked the colour scheme of my front cover as it stuck to the general colour scheme of St.Andrews. i also liked the idea of the picture, the students all look happy and friendly. However, the picture is not cropped to size and is stretched to make the people look unusual and creating an unprofessional look. I think my target audience would be attracted to this magazine because it looks fun and colourful, reflecting this age group, they do not want to be reading something stern and boring. it also gives them advice , they will be attracted to this because they feel alone and lost when they first come to high school, so this magazine is kind of like a leaning post for them to help them through.

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